Li-Fi Technology


What is Li-Fi?

Li-Fi is the next technology to be called the next revolutionary in wireless technology. Called Li-Fi for short, it refers to a technology called "Light Fidelity". Simply put, Li-Fi can be referred to as a data transmission medium. The specialty here is that the data is transmitted using "Light Emitting Diodes" (LEDs). This is why it is also known as a Visible Light Communications (VLC) system. The founder of Li-Fi technology is Professor “Harald Haas” of the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom.


How does this Li-Fi work?

In many cases, the first thing that comes to mind when talking about wireless data transmission is radio waves. But as mentioned earlier, light waves are used for data transmission. LED light bulbs are used to emit light waves and photoreceptors are used to receive light waves. The basic components of a Li-Fi system are high-brightness LED bulbs and silicon photodiodes, a photo-receptor used to capture that light. Visible Light Communication (VLC) signals are created by turning these LED bulbs on and off in nanoseconds. This process allows you to successfully communicate various digital strings, including 1s and 0s.

Advantages of Li-Fi technology

Both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi technology use electromagnetism. But because of the use of Li-Fi technology light waves, Li-Fi is much faster than Wi-Fi using radio waves. Not only that, but another special thing! In areas where radio waves cannot be used for some reason, (for example, in laboratories with highly radioactive environments) Li-Fi can be used without any problems. Due to these advantages, Li-Fi can be used very successfully in any field such as education, health, transportation, science and research.

By SLDeagle

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